Best Agoda/Expedia Hotel Promos with Singapore Cards (Feb 2025)
Get year-round 15% to 30% INSTANT hotel discounts on Agoda and Expedia, plus credit card miles/cashback.
Travel hacking from Singapore
Get year-round 15% to 30% INSTANT hotel discounts on Agoda and Expedia, plus credit card miles/cashback.
For 3 days only, get a 20% instant discount on Agoda bookings with HSBC cards.
Get a 25% discount (plus the usual 4 MPD) on Agoda bookings made by 17 July 2022 with no discount cap!
Get a 20% discount (plus the usual 4 MPD) on Agoda bookings made by 31 July 2022.
22% off and 4 MPD! If you have travel plans in the coming months, you don’t wanna miss this.