Opening hours: 24 hours
Time of visit: 2045 hours
Occupancy: 80%
Location: Take the escalator near Longchamp to level 3
Entry type: Free via Priority Pass from Citibank Prestige Mastercard
SATS Premier Lounge in Changi Airport Terminal 3 does not accept walk-ins. You can only be allowed in through airline and lounge memberships.
Top complimentary amenities:
Drinks (including alcoholic)
Food (warm and snacks)
Although the food selection was better than that of SATS Terminal 2, it was really crowded when I was there. The buffet area was so full of people that I could not get a decent photo. Not a relaxing place to be, but not as bad as Marhaba Lounge in Terminal 3. Unless if you just want a quick bite, you’ll have a better time at The Coffee Bean downstairs.
Food: 8/10
Peace & Quiet: 5/10
Privacy: 6/10
Cleanliness: 8/10
Service: 6/10
Facilities: 7/10
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