How to Check Merchant Category Code (MCC) Before You Pay: 2 Reliable Methods

In this article, I’ll be sharing two reliable and easy methods to check a Merchant Category Code (MCC) before making a payment.

Why and when do you need to know the MCC?

Certain credit cards offer special earn rates (miles or cashback) for specific MCCs, while others offer the same for a much wider range of eligible transactions.

It is not uncommon for merchants to have unexpected MCCs, and using the wrong card on a wrong MCC can result in far inferior earn rates; especially painful on a large transaction amount.

Specialized cards WITH specific MCC requirements

  • HSBC Revolution: Earn 4 mpd on specific online shopping MCCs
  • OCBC Rewards: Earn 4 mpd on specific online shopping MCCs
  • HSBC Live+: Get 8% cashback on specific dining, shopping, entertainment MCCs
  • UOB Lady’s: Earn 4 mpd on specific MCCs in the chosen category
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Specialized cards WITHOUT MCC requirements


Method 1: Pair Amaze to wallet with insufficient balance

You can check the MCC of a transaction using your Amaze card by intentionally performing a failed/declined transaction.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Make sure that your Amaze wallet has zero or insufficient balance for the test amount
  2. In the Instarem app, set your Amaze wallet as the payment source
  3. Use the Amaze card to attempt to “spend” on the merchant
  4. As the card is linked to a wallet with insufficient balance, the transaction would fail (no need to provide OTP or approve transaction)
  5. Now, visit the Activity tab in the Instarem app and look for the declined transaction
  6. Lastly, look for the MCC of that merchant on the declined transaction

💡Remember to pair the Amaze card to the right credit card for future transactions.

In the example below, I used this method to check the MCC when purchasing Hilton points. If you are new to the Miles Game, you’d probably expect this transaction to have a travel-related MCC, which is not true!

Pinch to zoom

Method 2: Block card, ask DBS digibot

This second method is pretty similar to the first one. You can check the MCC of a transaction using a DBS/POSB card, by intentionally performing a failed/declined transaction.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. In your DBS or POSB app, select a card and navigate to “Payment Controls” to lock it
  2. Use the locked card to attempt to “spend” on the merchant (you need to approve the transaction)
  3. The transaction would fail
  4. In your DBS/POSB app, tap on the question mark on the top right
  5. Scroll all the way down and tap on Ask Digibot
  6. To start, type “recent transactions” and send
  7. Tap on “Check Transactions”
  8. Tap on “Proceed to Check Recent Transactions”
  9. Tap on “Credit Cards”
  10. Select the credit card with the declined transaction
  11. Tap on “View Transaction History”
  12. Scroll the small menu below to the right, and tap on “Declined Transactions”
  13. See the MCC description (MCC code is not provided, but you can look it up by Googling something like “mcc business services”)

💡Remember to unlock the card for future transactions.

Here’s a similar example, this time with the DBS digibot method:

Pinch to zoom
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What if you want to check the MCC for an in-person spending?

The above methods are great for online spending, where there isn’t a cashier and a long line waiting for you. Obviously, an MCC check can get awkward when making a payment in person. For example, when making a large payment at a hospital and trying to confirm that the MCC is not 8062, which is excluded by many cards.

Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to do this, and you just have to be creative in planning and timing your move.

Here’s a little template of steps:

  1. Pick a quieter period
  2. Prep your method beforehand (i.e. pairing or locking of card)
  3. Proceed to make the “payment” at the cashier
  4. Cashier goes: “Hmm, the card is declined”
  5. You’d go: “Hmm, that’s strange. I may have locked it in my app. I’ll come back to you later”, while looking confused 😕
  6. This is when you walk away, check the MCC, and decide on the best card to use

What if you want to check an MCC after paying?

Say you’ve made a purchase and later wondered if you’ve used the wrong card, and if the MCC wasn’t what you’d expected.

If the payment was made through Amaze or a DBS/POSB card, you can simply check the MCC using the methods shared earlier, without the need to perform a failed transaction.

If the payment was made through other cards, you may check with the bank, or just use one of the earlier methods with a failed transaction via an Amaze or DBS/POSB card.


Founder & Writer at Suitesmile

Suites and miles make me smile :)

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